Imagine yourself being in the process of applying your trademark. You have a decision to make:



Should I protect my trademark as a »word« or as »logo« (figurative trademark)? or Should I apply for both word and logo?

Okay, first things first…

word vs. figurative trademarkMultiple forms of trademarks

Based on experiences, most frequently used and protected forms of trademarks are word and figurative. Yet did you know that it is possible to put protection on three-dimensional, smell and even multimedia trademarks? So, in this article, we will focus on these two forms. For someone who has just recently started asking him/herself what to choose, the knowledge of other possibilities is enough.

Word trademark

The fact is that the word trademark is the strongest (legally speaking) form of Trademark protection. If our trademark is unique (it means that it does not directly describe products/services that we wish to protect) and checks out with other legally binding prerequisites, this is the form you should be looking for. By having such protection on your trademark, you can accomplish a lot. Here are some useful tips on how you can use your registered trademark.

Figurative trademark

Your trademark has a pretty designed logo which is a part of your overall graphic design. It would be irresponsible not to protect it. In cases when your trademark is a combination of word and such visual effect, we talk about figurative trademark. However, it is important to note that if the design changes (and it often does) it normally means loss of protection, therefore a new application is required. This means new investment as well.

Application of two (or several) trademarks

There is always an option to apply for several applications. If you decide to do this, make sure that if your representative offers any discount on multiple applications. You must take into consideration however that this also means double fees, which are not discounted. To see how much it costs to file or register a trademark in your country, please visit our Contact IPRC website. Of course, none of us wants to overpay a service, right?

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