4 useful databases for Trademark search

One of the important activities, companies seldom forget to do is Trademark search for prior registered Trademarks. Bellow you will find useful tools and free databases to find out if your Trademark has already been registered:


SIPO-DS - Database of Slovenian Trademarks, Designs and Patents,

TM VIEW - it contains records for registered and filed Trademarks from more than 120 countries worldwide,

GLOBAL BRAND DATABASE - this database has all the filed and registered Trademarks that used Madrid agreement as a way to expand Trademarks worldwide,

E-SEARCH PLUS - database includes filed and registered Trademarks in European Union.

When searching for previously filed or registered Trademarks you need to take into consideration timely and territory aspects, their form and NICE classes for which the protection of Trademark is being sought.

An Experienced Trademark professional will conduct such a search with highest level of quality and in relatively short time, thus minimising the chances of oppositions against your Trademark.


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